The team

De Reis Naar Morgen originated from a shared passion for travel, sustainability and the science behind it. Babet de Hoon, Lisalou Pam and Myrthe Naus started De Reis Naar Morgen in 2020. All three of us started our careers in the tourism sector after completing a bachelor’s degree in Tourism Management. Our paths crossed a few years later while following a master’s degree program in Tourism, Society and Environment at the University of Wageningen. Here we immersed ourselves in the relationship between tourism, society and the environment from a socio-ecological perspective. We completed our degrees right after the Covid-19 pandemic shook tourism internationally. Discussion around sustainable tourism and the right way to restart the industry are now receiving a lot of attention.

We are determined to use our multidisciplinary knowledge for these issues. We do this with a critical, scientific, and always practical view. Thanks to our great enthusiasm, different characteristics and solid mutual cooperation, we form a strong team and are able to offer new solutions for De Reis Naar Morgen.

Headshot Babet de Hoon

Babet de Hoon

Babet likes to ask critical questions in order to get to the core of a problem. With the help of her enthusiasm and clear communication, she knows how to convey substantiated advice to a wide audience. Babet wants to use her qualities and skills to ensure that tourism is used as a means to make the tourism industry more inclusive and sustainable.


Headshot Lisalou

Lisalou Pam

Lisalou is a fast thinker and is able to quickly understand complex problems and make connections within them. Creativity and ingenuity are central to her working method and often lead to surprising and innovative perspectives and solutions. According to Lisalou, tourism can only change into a meaningful sector if attention is paid to themes such as mobility, culture, nature and social (in)equality.


Headshot Myrthe

Myrthe Naus

Her curious personality and critical eye help Myrthe to ask the right questions, and make a thorough analysis of the problem to find suitable solutions. She works in a structured way and knows how to keep a good overview of a project. Myrthe is determined to show how tourism can serve as a means of strengthening the relationship between people, nature and the social environment.


We strive to make tourism and recreation in the Netherlands more sustainable!